West Intermediate School
Grades 4-5 |
Principal: Mr. Michael Walsh |
22 Carter Lane |
Wilmington, MA 01887 |
978.694.6050 |
School Hours: 8:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. |
Early Dismissal Time: 12:00 p.m. |
Welcome to the West Intermediate School! The West Intermediate School (Grades 4 & 5) prides itself on creating a positive environment; greeting children by name and making each child feel valued as members of the school community. The West staff is always working together to improve the quality of our instruction and our service to the community. We also are very excited to have pre-school and K classrooms from the Wildwood at the West as well. It is going to be great to have the little ones out and about!
In the classroom, we use Envision Mathematics for our math curriculum, Reading & Writing Workshop for ELA instruction, Elevate Science for science, and IMPACT Social Studies for the social studies curriculum. For social emotional learning, we use Panorama to guide our class discussions/activities related to sense of belonging, self management, social awareness, self efficacy, emotional regulation. And for technology, all classrooms are equipped with ceiling-mounted projectors and EACH student is assigned a Chromebook…both of which allows for direct student interaction with various educational curriculum-related computer programs used. Staff members regularly participate in professional development activities that support the District Strategic Plan and West School Improvement Plan. These activities strengthen our understanding and delivery of the curriculum (including technology). Students are assessed in reading and math periodically and provided supplemental interventions accordingly to best ensure that our students are provided the knowledge and skills to be successful in the 21st Century.
In addition, for specialists, our library is an energetic, vibrant space where students can work individually, in small groups, or as a class. It is the focal point/lifeblood of the school with regular library book check outs and school-wide activities focused around reading. We also have a top notch art class with a display space for classroom art projects; an exceptional music program (with periodic performances for both grades and an outstanding band and strings program) and finally, our PE/Health program keeps our students active and fit!
School-wide we follow PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) where students are taught and acknowledged in the qualities of being Responsible, Respectful & Kind and Resilient. We have a very successful “Westerner of the Week” program where students can earn PAWS and are publicly acknowledged for exhibiting these important qualities. (See picture below.) In addition, the West participates in the district’s anti-bullying program MARC (Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center) where students are educated about "bullying" and"cyberbullying" and their awareness is raised about how these behaviors impact children. The program includes helping children identify the adults in the school they can feel safe to go to for support and helping children develop additional strategies to deal with all aspects of potential bullying should they encounter it.
Westerners of the Week!
Extra-curricular and community service activities abound in the West as well that help our students grow. These include PAC sponsored assemblies related to the sciences (Simple Machines, Techsploration, and a month long Read-a-thon). Other activities include Read Across America Week (Hat’s off to Reading, Read-a-thon culmination); participation in the WPS Art Fair and the Reading Municipal Light Department's Poster Contest; Pi day; participation in the Wilmington's Fire Department Toys for Children In Need; food collections for the local food pantries; and an annual winter coat drive. For field trips, our fourth graders attend a field trip to Lowell Mills and the fifth graders go on an educational field trip to Patriots Place. Throughout the year we have musical/band/strings performances (See picture below.) And finally, our end of year field days and grade 5 celebration round off a fun filled year of activities.
What else do you ask? The Wilmington C.A.R.E.S program operates daily from the West and is an integral part of our school community for quality and engaging child care and activities both before school and after school. And finally, our fabulous Shawsheen/West PAC continues to support grades one to five at both the Shawsheen and the West Schools. (See below.)
Phew!!!!! A lot of information I know and much, much more. We have a wonderful time at the West. Please see below for other important school opening information and remember…….West is the Best!
West Quick Reference Sheet
a. PHONE: 978-694-6050 (same number for absences)
- Mr. Michael Walsh, Principal
- Mrs. Jenny Collings, Administrative Assistant
- Ms. Lori Trites, School Nurse
- Ms. Linda Hamilton, School Counselor
c. WEST SCHOOL HOURS: 8:40 AM - 3:00 PM
- Students can arrive between 8:30-8:40 AM. Please Note: Students may not be dropped off before 8:30 a.m. Students will be marked tardy arriving after 8:40 AM. See Arrival/Dismissal below for details.
- All visitors must sign in at the office when entering the building.
- All visitors need to wear a “Visitor’s Pass” while in the building.
- After 8:40 a.m. all doors will be locked.
- Students who are tardy or returning from a dismissal must be accompanied by an adult when entering the building to sign the student present.
- All absences and illnesses need to be called to the office.
- Any change of transportation needs to be sent to the classroom teacher in writing.
ARRIVAL (8:30-8:40 AM)
- Busses. Students will be dropped off out front and enter through FRONT doors.
- Walkers/Bike riders. Should enter through FRONT doors.
Car drop offs.
Drive around the BACK of the building from the Boutwell side. Follow the line of cars.
- Cars stay along the tree line (There will be traffic lines on the pavement) and pull up as far as you can toward the gate on the far side.
At 8:30 AM duty staff will arrive outside. Students should exit the vehicles and walk to their classroom using either of the BACK doors. NO STUDENT SHOULD BE DROPPED OFF BEFORE 8:30 AM. (We have no staff on duty before then)
- Drive safely away following the single line of cars.
DISMISSAL (3:00 PM). Students are called by groups on the intercom to ensure an orderly dismissal.
Busses. Will pick up kids out FRONT of building.
- Walkers/Bike riders. Should exit out FRONT doors.
- Car pick up.
Sometime between 2:45-3:00 PM cars can drive around the BACK of the West building from the Boutwell side and get in the car pick up line.
- Stay along the tree line (There are traffic lines on the pavement) and pull up as far as you can toward the gate on the far side of the parking lot and wait.
- Car students will be dismissed at 3:00 PM to their cars OR to a monitored gathering spot near the building to wait until their ride arrives.
Students walk orderly to car and enter the door on the school side.
- Once a student is in the car, you can drive safely away in a single file car line once the line starts moving.
Next round of cars line up, pull up as far as you can toward the gate on the far side of the parking lot.
- Wildwood students (PreK-K) will have different Pick up/Drop off times and won’t affect West arrival or dismissal.
- Staff will be stationed in ALL arrival/dismissal areas inside and outside of the building to ensure safe arrival and departure. Please follow their directives accordingly.
Patience is a virtue. Once we get the hang of it. The entire process will take approximately 15 minutes or less.
“During School” Dismissal. All dismissals during the school day are from the office. Children must be signed out by the parent, guardian, or other approved adult in the presence of the school secretary or school administrator.
SHAWSHEEN/WEST PAC (Parent Advisory Council)
The Shawsheen/West Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is made up of parents with children in our schools to enhance students’ elementary school experience. The PAC helps achieve this mainly through fundraising and volunteering. Over the past few years, the PAC helped purchase Chromebooks and carts for each floor of the Shawsheen and West schools. They’ve covered the cost of some technology needs, including media and audio equipment. They also regularly defray the costs of field trips. They also purchased student planners and PBIS rewards for students, funded school t-shirts and enrichment assemblies (Techsploration, Simple Machines, Flying Dogs, artist Rob Surette, etc.), organized Family Fun Nights, run the school store, provided popsicles for field day (yum!), and organized and staffed the Grade 5 Celebration (which is the final farewell to the fifth graders as they prepare for Middle School) and much, much more include funding a basketball hoop (To be constructed in the fall of 2023…stay tuned)! THANK YOU PAC! We’d love to have you aboard the PAC. Please consider joining this important group to enhance the elementary school experience of your child and others at the West. They meet once a month and have lots of opportunities to get involved…..No job too big or small:) To contact the PAC you can reach them by email here at [email protected] or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/shawsheenwestpac.